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A Great Rotary Cutting Safety Tip

A "Klutz Glove" keeps you injury free!

I had the joy of spending time in my sewing room watching the Saturday morning sewing shows on KBTC this past week and saw a great tip on Fonds and Porter - Love of Quilting. Don't you just love starting you Saturday that way?

The tip that stood out to me was one concerning safety while using a rotary cutter. When rotary cutting, be safe and use a new sharp blade and wear a "Klutz Glove" to help protect your non-cutting hand from accidental injury. A fellow sewing enthusiast wrote in to the show to offer the following suggestion for remembering to be safe when cutting with a rotary cutter:

  • After using your rotary cutter, store it inside your "Klutz Glove" when you are done using it. This way, you will have a reminder to use the glove the next time you do some rotary cutting.

I don't know about you, but there have been times that I have had a "near miss" with my rotary cutter and felt so glad that there are simple tools like this to help keep clutzy me safe!


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