
Class @ APWQ 2013 - Decorative Quilting with your Embroidery Machine

Decorative Quilting w/Hooped Embroidery

Learn Machine Embroidered Quilting w/Reva

Do you ever feel intimidated when it comes to quilting your latest project? I sure can. Sometimes it seems as though I do more "over-thinking", stressing and just plain old "un-stitching" when I quilt my quilts using free-motion techniques. I think I need a lot more practice. One thing that I can do really well is to put fabric into a machine's embroidery hoop, put the hoop on the machine and then push the start button. That is when the magic happens! Perfect every time. You may feel this way, as well. If you have not tried quilting with your embroidery machine, you must give it a shot. It is much easier than you may think!

  •  Look for a machine embroidery design that was meant to be used as a quilt pattern or that is a simple running stitch (like red work)
  • Print out templates of your designs for you to use to plan the placement of the designs
  • Mark the desired locations of the designs onto your quilt
  • hoop your quilt in the appropriate location - Top, Batting, Back and all!
  • Put the thread you want to use in both the needle and the bobbin
  • Embroider your designs - many machines have aids for getting designs to stitch exactly where you want them, easily. A Multi-Needle machine can be the easiest of all!

 If you are not acquainted with multiple hooping, consider taking "Decorative Quilting w/Hooped Embroidery" at the upcoming APWQ Quilt Show in Tacoma Aug 22-25, 2013. In class you will work with planning and placement of three different types of quilting motifs: focus medallions, borders, and corners. You will be amazed at how easily you can achieve spectacular results.

Whether you already have an embroidery machine or are just curious as to how they are used for quilting, this class is for you. I look forward to seeing you in Tacoma at the Quilt Show!


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