How To Guides

Designer Embroidered Jeans in 4D Part 1: Building a Custom Hoop

Designer Embroidered Jeans in 4D Part 1: Building a Custom Hoop

It's time for a new pair of embroidered jeans.

I'm down to one pair of elaborately embroidered jeans with the Roses For Mary design by Jenny Haskins. And I've just noticed that the small hole in the knee (that was actually there before embroidery) is starting to grow. My other pair of embroidered jeans were used as a sample of the Pant Leg Vest from the book Denim by Design which we used in this month's Sew Fun. They had reached that point where they were starting to become a bit too worn in places. So it's high time they were replaced.

So I've begun the process today of making a new pair.

Step 1:

Measure to determine the size of the area you want to embroider. This is limited only by the length and width of your jeans and your willingness to rehoop. Upon measuring I have decided that I want my design area to be 650x200. I am very spoiled - my large hoop, shown above - is 350x200. So I will only need to hoop twice in order to stitch the area I wish to embroider.

Step 2:

Open 4D Embroidery program and click on the hoop icon in the menu bar. A smaller window will open as shown on the left. (You can click on image for larger view). Select the Enter Size box on the lower left third of the window. You can then enter in the size of your 'custom hoop'. I have entered 650x200 as my hoop size in the Hoop Selection box below.

Step 3:

Click "OK" and your new custom hoop will appear on the screen as shown. You are now ready to begin designing!

Next: Part 2 ~ Selecting and Creating Your Design. Learn some tips for choosing, layering and creating your own designer denim look.


p.s. It was really great to see everyone at Sew Fun this month! I really enjoyed seeing all the amazing project that were brought and shown at Club, as well as all the great tips and ideas that are always shared.

One of my favorite tips this month from Sew Fun members in Federal Way and Puyallup: Needle Felting - Not Just For Embellishment!

Everyone knows that needle felting machines are a fun embellishing tool. But did you know that it also can be great for recycling batting? Needle felting machines do a wonderful job of creating lump-free joins in pieces of leftover batting. Just overlap ends and punch with the needle felting machine until the join is smooth and even with the rest of the surface.

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