Reva's Tips

On the Road aka "I'm On Vacation"

Reva & Robin in Michigan at a local quilt shop on their way to a Quilt Retreat.

Reva & Robin in Michigan at a local quilt shop on their way to a Quilt Retreat.

Pfaff Multi-Line Decorative Foot

So you long for the open road and lazy days of not doing much of anything? Sounds good doesn't it? What could possibly be better, you ask? Why sewing on the road of course!

Did you know that it is OK to give yourself permission to sew while traveling or even camping? My theory is that the family gets to bring and do the things they like so why can't I? Here are a couple of tips to make your packing and experience joyous. These tips work for retreats too!

Pack light, this goes for everything:

  • Travel with a smaller machine that is easy to transport and does not take up too much space. Remember that a machine that is easy to travel with can also have embroidery and the comfortable features like needle down and a thread cutter.
  • Be selective on threads. For me, this means a few basic colors of piecing threads for quilting and sewing projects and a nice selection for embroidery. I like the embroidery thread assortment of "The Madeira Incredible Threadable" - (great for travel, retreats and classes). Have one bobbin for each sewing thread and a few prewound bobbins for embroidery.
  • Be prepared. It is easiest to travel and more fun when you get there, if all of your materials are prepared and fabric cut. This way when you get to your destination you can easily steal a few moments for yourself without a big production of getting everything out, cutting and organizing.
  • Be organized. Keep all of your pieces, notions and instructions together and organized. I like to use zip lock bags of various sizes for each element and keep it all together in one larger bag w/the instructions (better yet, download the instructions onto your iPad or tablet).
  • Choose your sewing time wisely. The last thing you want in vacation is a crabby family. Choose a time when everyone else is independently occupied.

Have your machine quick to grab and easy to put away; along with a selection of necessary notions, a small Rotary mat, cutter and ruler. You might even want an extension cord so you can set up on the picnic table at your camping spot. Hey, while you are out and about visiting the beauty our area offers, make sure to stop by our stores and pick up your free "On the Road wit Quality Sewing" quilt patterns. See page 8 for details. Enjoy your sewing on the go this summer! Post pictures of your sewing vacation on our Facebook page!

Happy Sewing,




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