
Take a Tour of the Koala Cabinet Factory in West Chicago, Illinois

This video tour of the Koala Cabinet Factory in West Chicago, Illinois is worth taking three minutes out of your day to watch! It is fascinating to view the entire process that goes into making each one of the Koala cabinets. Starting simply with raw material and ending with a finished product, there are numerous steps involved in creating each unit. Every piece that goes together to create a cabinet is cut to an exact specification, finished and assembled while being handled with care by numerous factory workers. The cabinets internal sewing machine lifts are individually tested to withstand up to 40 pounds. My favorite part of all is seeing that the Koala factory is in the United States and employs many hardworking Americans! Plus be inspired by the footage of numerous model sewing studios shown in different room configurations to suit any creative space. To see these cabinets in person, stop by your nearest Quality Sewing location for a complete demonstration.

Happy Watching,


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