
Sewing for a Cause Follow-up

Binkies made for children in need of comfort

Last month we posted a blog about numerous sewing and quilting groups that meet around the Puget Sound region to sew for a charitable organization or cause. We had a fantastic response from numerous readers that participate in groups! Read about these additional groups, plus we included the information posted previously to get the word out about these rewarding opportunities.

Binky Patrol

Binkies are sewn, knitted or crocheted blankets, made from the heart and given to children in need of comfort. These children have survived such tragedies as cancer, fire, flood and domestic violence to name a few. The local chapter would like to invite you to join. Binky Patrol meets the first Sunday of each month in Marysville. Call 360-659-7198 for more information.

Dress A Girl Around the World

Sewers from several states including Washington State are working with Hope4Kids International to serve girls so poor they can only dream of ever owning a new dress. The group transforms used pillowcases, sheets and donated fabric remnants into dresses any little girl can be proud of. The pattern is simple but produces versatile dresses quickly. And by adding a pocket, a little lace or a vintage handkerchief these dresses become even more unique. Some ladies hide a handmade doll or teddy bear in the pocket for a sweet surprise making it even more special! In the last year, Dress A Girl Around the World has delivered over 12,000 dresses to 34 countries. This year they have an ambitious goalto distribute 50,000 dresses to girls in need. There are several local groups sewing for this program and new sewers are becoming involved. If you would like more information visit the blog about the Washington State groups.

Maple Leaf Lutheran Church Quilters Circle

This group in Northeast Seattle makes quilts for Lutheran World Relief. These quilts are shipped all over the world to assist with disaster relief. The group needs gently used full (or larger) sheets for quilt backing. Cotton fabric suitable for quilts is also welcome. Donations may be delivered to the Church at 10005 32nd NE, Seattle, or contact for pickup.

Little Dress for Africa

"Little Dresses for Africa is a non-profit 501c3, Christian based organization which provides relief to the children of Africa. Simple dresses are made out of pillow cases and distributed through the orphanages, churches and schools in Africa to plant in the hearts of little girls that they are worthy!" The Everett Quality Sewing location is in the process of organizing a Little Dress for Africa sewing group, For further information, please contact Rose Mary at the Everett Quality Sewing location (425)290-8000 or (800)488-0458. Read here for more information about this organization.

The Piecemakers Quilting Group

Giving back to the community while incorporating their love for quilting, the Piecemakers Quilting Group meets twice a month to assemble quilts that are distributed through Lutheran World Relief. The quilt tops are sewn by various members of the group, then the quilts are assembled at group meetings. On average, the Piecemakers complete 10 Quilts at each meeting! Quality Sewing donated a Brother NS40 sewing machine to help this group with their generous efforts. This group meets on the first and third Thursday of each month at Advent Lutheran Church in Mill Creek. Visit the Piecemakers blog for more information!

Bags for YWCA

The YWCA's Women's Support Shelter is a domestic violence shelter for women and their families. For many, the Shelter and its related services form a sturdy base from which to start fresh, stable, safe, self-sufficient lives. The mission of the Wednesday Bag Ladies at the Tacoma Quality Sewing location is to provide tote bags for their fresh start. Simple totes, for adults & children, can be great canvasses for embroidery, quilt squares, raw edge applique, decorative stitches, etc. The Wednesday Bag Ladies meet on the third Wednesday of each month at the Tacoma store, read more about the Wednesday Bag Ladies.

Quilts for Vets

Our Federal Way Quality Sewing location has a group that meets the 1st and 3rd Friday morning of each month to sew and put together quilts for military personnel and veterans. Last year the group sent over 1,000 quilts to Afghanistan and made quilts that were distributed at local Veterans Nursing Homes. This group meets the 1st and 3rd Friday morning of each month at the Federal Way store from 10am-12pm. Supplies are provided, however donations are always welcome! For more information, please contact Audrey at the Federal Way Store (253) 946-5865.

Project Linus

Have you heard of Project Linus? Project Linus is comprised of hundreds of local chapters and thousands of volunteers across the United States. Each volunteer and local chapter work together to achieve one mission which is to provide love, a sense of security, warmth and comfort to children who are seriously ill, traumatized, or otherwise in need through the gifts of new, handmade blankets and afghans, lovingly created by volunteer "blanketeers." Project Linus has distributed over three million blankets to children in need since 1995. Read here for more information about Project Linus. The Puyallup Quality Sewing location is a Project Linus drop-off point where you can bring your completed blankets to the store then they will be delivered to the local Project Linus Chapter. You can contact the Puyallup store directly at (253) 841-4288 or (800) 266-8842.

Pillowcase Patrol at the Sewing & Stitchery Expo

As a part of the "Million Pillowcase Project", the 2011 Sewing & Stitchery Expo will be a collection point for handmade pillowcases. Create cheerful pillowcases for the children who are undergoing treatment at Mary Bridge Children's Hospital. Every person who brings pillowcases will be eligible for a fabulous door prize! Read here for more information and to download the pillowcase pattern.

Do you participate in a group that makes items for a charitable organization? Comment on this blog post and share other opportunities you may know about or participate in with our readers!

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